Tag: live music

  • New PRS live performance licence gets Copyright Tribunal approval

    New PRS live performance licence gets Copyright Tribunal approval

    PRS For Music has received Copyright Tribunal approval of new terms for one of its main live performance licences, what the rights body calls its ‘Tariff LP’ licence. The new terms will now become effective early next month.

    Concert promoters need public performance licences from whoever owns the copyright in any songs performed at the shows they promote. These licences are usually issued via the collective licensing system, which means PRS in the UK. Under its current ‘Tariff LP’ system, PRS takes 3% of ticket monies from any gig or festival in the UK where its members songs are performed, which is most gigs and festivals in the UK.

    That system has been in place since 1988, though PRS has instigated two reviews in recent years, mainly because the live sector boomed in the 2000s. After its first review, the society announced in 2011 that it would keep things as they were. But when a second review came along just four years later in 2015, it seemed certain this time changes would be proposed. This prompted two years of negotiations with the live industry, before new terms were finally agreed last year.

    The proposed overhaul was then sent to the Copyright Tribunal, the court that can intervene and set rates in the collective licensing domain when licensees and licensors can’t agree on terms. Its approval was required for this revamp.

    Although PRS went to Tribunal with most music industry stakeholders endorsing its proposal, there was a delay because the new licence didn’t accommodate the recent trend for some artists to license their songs to promoters directly when they are performing them themselves. PACE, a company that assists artists who have opted to go that route, objected, resulting in a final amend to introduce a little flexibility into the PRS licence where direct licensing occurs. Though quite how that will work remains to be seen.

    “By working together with our colleagues across the live sector we have successfully negotiated an agreed outcome for all parties and I’m very pleased that the Copyright Tribunal has now approved the terms, as agreed between PRS and the live sector representatives”, says PRS For Music’s Executive Director of Membership, International & Licensing, Paul Clements.

    “We have reached an agreement which not only recognises and rewards the huge contribution made by our songwriter and composer members to the live industry”, he continues, “but, as importantly, recognises the different needs and strengths of the thousands of venues and events across the UK that are critical to the ongoing sustainability and diversity of the UK live music scene”.

    The outcome of the review is basically that rates go up slightly at the top of the live sector, and down at the bottom, with the previous minimum charge removed entirely. When the new terms come into effect on 11 Jun, the royalty rate for concerts, and all other live music events within the scope of Tariff LP, will increase from 3% to 4%. However, a new rate will also be introduced to the tariff for festivals that meet certain criteria. These festivals will see the rate drop to 2.5%.

    Source: Complete Music Update

  • How can you capitalise on the imminent “explosive growth” of live music in China?

    How can you capitalise on the imminent “explosive growth” of live music in China?

    Although many of the global headlines regarding the Chinese music market have focused on recorded music – in particular the deals between the Western record companies and Tencent, NetEase and Alibaba – the country’s live music industry is also growing at an incredible rate.

    In its Global Entertainment And Media Outlook report last year, PWC reckoned that the Chinese live music industry was worth $217 million in 2016. Which is still relatively modest given the size of the market, but the report also predicted that the recent rapid growth of the sector will only continue, so that it will be worth $301 million in 2021.

    The report noted that the Chinese live entertainment market has “until now” been tagged as “a sleeping giant”. It went on: “Australia, with a population of just 24 million, currently has a greater music market in terms of total revenue on account of its superior live industry. Not for long: China’s music market is sprinting”.

    Speaking to IQ magazine last year, the founder of one of the many festival franchises that has emerged in China in recent years, Storm festival’s Eric Zho, concurred with the stat-compilers over at PWC. Reckoning the Chinese live music market was still “nascent” but maturing by the day as consumers become “more refined” in their musical tastes, he declared: “We’re on the cusp of explosive growth”.

    That explosive growth creates huge opportunities for artists and music entrepreneurs in China, and also for the global music community. China’s own live industry is still evolving, though a number key players have already emerged – of which Modern Sky probably has the highest profile outside the country. Though the aforementioned Alibaba has also moved into live as well as recorded music, and the web giant is also now active in ticketing.

    For international artists and music companies, capitalising on the live opportunities in China requires understanding quite how live entertainment works in this market, and finding the right partners based in the country. Back in that IQ interview, Zho remarked: “When foreign companies come here they don’t know what to do – China is a unique market, and unless you figure out how to localise, to work with local partners, you’re never going to win”.


    Source: Complete Music Update

  • O que sua preferência musical revela sobre você

    Novo estudo mostra que indivíduos empáticos — com uma grande capacidade de compreender a mente dos outros — preferem canções melódicas. Já os mais analíticos gostam de músicas complexas como rock pesado

    – Atualizado em

    Pessoas empáticas preferem músicas melosas, como R&B, soul, contemporânea e pop rock, enquanto aqueles com mente mais analítica preferem musicas mais intensas, como punk, heavy metal e rock pesado. É o que diz um estudo publicado recentemente na edição online do periódico científico PLOS One.

    Os psicólogos já sabiam que as preferências musicais de uma pessoa estão relacionadas à personalidade dela. Agora, os pesquisadores da Universidade de Cambridge, na Inglaterra, descobriram que o gosto musical também está associado ao modo como as pessoas organizam seu pensamento.

    Mais de 4 000 pessoas foram recrutadas para o estudo por meio de um aplicativo do Facebook. Na primeira etapa do estudo, os participantes tiveram que completar questionários com caracterísitcas da própria personalidade. Em seguida, os pesquisadores pediram que eles ouvissem e avaliassem 50 músicas de 26 gêneros diferentes.

    Os resultados mostraram que indivíduos que tendem a ser mais empáticos, ou seja, com uma grande capacidade de compreender a mente de outras pessoas, preferem músicas mais emotivas. Já as pessoas analíticas (sistemáticas), que gostam de analisar regras e padrões, preferem músicas mais complexas.


    “Pessoas empáticas, que têm propensão a entender pensamentos e sentimentos dos outros, preferiram músicas com pouca energia ou que transmitem emoções negativas (como tristeza) e grande profundidade emocional. Por outro lado, as sistemáticas, que têm uma habilidade especial para entender e analisar padrões, preferem músicas que transmitem muita energia e emoções positivas”, afirmou David Greenberg, principal autor do estudo, ao Huffington Post.

    De acordo com os autores, isso acontece porque as pessoas tendem a preferir músicas que refletem e reforçam os seus próprios estados mentais. “As escolhas musicais das pessoas parecem ser um espelho de quem elas são”, explicou Greenberg.

    O próximo passo é determinar se músicas com profundidade emocional conseguem aumentar a empatia de alguém. Se isso for confirmado, músicas que transmitem essas emoções podem ser utilizadas como uma forma de terapia para pessoas com autismo, por exemplo.

    (Da redação)

  • Artists! Embrace fans with their phones out at gigs, don’t fear them…

    Artists! Embrace fans with their phones out at gigs, don’t fear them…


    News that Prince’s label NPG Records has been sending DMCA takedown notices to Twitter for videos posted using its Vine app shouldn’t be a surprise.

    Prince has form when it comes to getting grumpy about user-generated content, after all. Back in 2007 he was hiring anti-piracy outfits to file similar takedown notices to YouTube, while alsotargeting fan sites and getting involved in a spat with Radioheadafter forcing YouTube to block footage of his live cover of Creep.

    (Thom York’s memorable quote at the time: Really? He’s blocked it? Surely we should block it. Hang on a moment. Well, tell him to unblock it. It’s our song!”)

    Prince is clearly hot on perceived copyright infringement of any kind, but he’s not the only musician to be unhappy about the proliferation of cameraphone-clutching fans at gigs shooting videos and photos to share online.

    Witness this blog post from Kid Rock earlier in the year which appeared to be simultaneously requesting that fans didn’t shoot and share videos during his gigs, while admitting that the inability of some to resist may be a good thing for fans who couldn’t make it to the shows.

    Or witness The Lumineers’ polite request to fans during a gig in March to “put away cameras and recording devices and just be human with us for a while”.

    Or there’s Jack White saying this last year: “The worst thing is to watch a young kid watching a show on their camera screen, instead of watching it on stage. You just want to take it out of his hand and go, ‘Come on man, that’s not what this is about’.”

    Or there’s Beyoncé falling down some stairs at a gig and then asking fans “Please don’t put that on YouTube!”. An appeal you can see – along with the fall itself – in many, many YouTube videos.

    The way I see it, there are three main reasons some musicians aren’t enjoying the sea of screens being held up at gigs: Embarrassment; copyright fears; and the belief that if people are fiddling about with phones they’re not lost in the music and aren’t paying attention.

    Embarrassment? Well, a big pop star falling off a stage is A News Event, whatever that says about our modern culture (although I daresay a Beatles wardrobe malfunction at Shea Stadium or Bowie tumbling into the photo-pit in his Ziggy Stardust days would have been just as newsworthy, albeit documented by professionals rather than fans).

    You can ask fans politely not to share their footage, as Beyoncé did, but realistically, don’t expect them all to agree. It’s better to laugh (well, grimace depending on the pain level) and take the mishap with good grace.

    Copyright infringement? To the average bystander, there’s clear water between different kinds of sharing: an Instagram pic to a six-second Vine clip to a full song posted to YouTube to pro bootleggers recording and then selling the whole thing.

    Lawyers can scrap over what constitutes fair use versus piracy – and hosts like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook can decide on their response to takedown requests – but it will largely come down to individual artists and labels to decide whether to go after these clips or embrace them.

    It’s the third objection to photo and video-sharing at gigs – the ‘fans aren’t lost in the music’ argument – that’s most interesting. It often rests on the assumption that you must be distracted if you’re using a smartphone during a concert, and that you’re not giving the band – who are hopefully pulling out all the stops on-stage – your full attention.

    A note of sympathy: this behaviour is far less socially acceptable for other musical artforms. Few people would risk whipping out their smartphone during a ballet or a classical music concert. And I also see the Lumineers’ point about a sea of happy faces being more human than a sea of glinting smartphones.

    And yet… What if the audiences in the latter case are simply being “human”? What if wanting to post photos, videos and status updates from a gig is a sign of heightened enjoyment, not lazy distraction? What if fans are pulling their phones out because they love you, not because they don’t care about you?

    Last weekend, I saw the Black Crowes twice. They were marvellous, playing for well over two hours both nights, varying the set considerably.

    I’d guess that I spent 98% of each gig watching, and dancing, and singing (and occasionally fending off the really drunk elbows-waving guy in front of me), but the other 2% I spent posting photos to Instagram, video clips to Vine, and boring the arse off Twitter and Facebook with how good it was.

    The more artists realise that fans sharing on phones is a good thing, the more they can benefit from it. Even simple things, like suggesting a hashtag to fans on their way into the venue and then gathering up those photos and videos on their website, has promotional benefit. “Look at these people being excited at our gig! Come to one of our future gigs and be excited too!”

    App startups like Vyclone  and 45Sound are trying to work with bands to encourage fans to film footage at their gigs, and then turn the results into high-quality videos. See this case study of Ed Sheeran’s Vyclone experiment to see how it can work. It’s also worth noting that plenty of artists have been encouraging fans to share at gigs for a long time – The Shins back in 2006, for example.

    There’s a lot more potential in this kind of stuff, and thinking about digital souvenirs. The Black Crowes don’t worry about bootleggers (in fact, they have a long history of encouraging them to record gigs, in jam-band tradition). Nowadays, they have a partnership with Nugs.net to sell soundboard recordings of every show after the event. I paid $9.95 for one of the London nights without a second thought.

    But just to stress again, I’m 35. There’s a whole generation below me (two generations, if I’m honest) who are much more share-everything-all-the-time than me and my peers. It seems more sensible for artists to try to understand and embrace this behaviour and figure out how to help fans share the magic musical moments they capture during your gigs.

    Oh, and also try to avoid falling off the stage, if you can help it. Especially if you’re Prince.

    Source: Musically

  • Riot grrrl: searching for music’s young female revolutionaries

    Riot grrrl: searching for music’s young female revolutionaries

    It’s 20 years since Bikini Kill and Huggy Bear undertook a tour of the UK. But did riot grrrl actually change anything?

    Bikini Kill

    March 1993, and a storm is about to hit. Two bands – one American, one British – have embarked on a tour of the UK, sweeping across the country with a message and a mission. Bikini Kill and Huggy Bear proclaim in words, deeds and noise that it is no longer OK for men to push women to the back of the room with actual and threatened violence, nor are women just there to hold the guys’ coats while they mosh. The new ethos is screamed loud and clear: girls can have the stage, and they can run the show.

    I was one of the many participants in this revolution as a writer, fan and gig promoter, following the bands on several dates and putting on their show in Leeds. But to tell the full story, we need to go back to the start.

    To be a girl in 1990s America meant being fed on media lies that to be acceptable you must be impossibly thin and as pretty as a photoshopped picture. The official line is that you have equality with boys, yet your reproductive rights are being eroded. You have a high chance of being raped, sexually harassed or sexually abused, and a very low chance that any perpetrator gets convicted, and you’ll be told you deserved it anyway because of what you wore or where you went. Want to scream? Want to make some noise? You might, but you’re only going to get told to shut up and stop making a fuss, so what’s the point?

    In 1991, a handful of girls from the small city of Olympia, Washington, decided that things were going to change, and no way would they be shutting up any time soon. Kathleen Hanna, Tobi Vail and Kathy Wilcox formed Bikini Kill and called for a “Revolution, girl-style, now”. That summer they moved en masse to Washington DC, where Alison Wolfe and Molly Neuman (writers of the fanzine Girl Germs and founders of surf-garage combo Bratmobile) created a new zine along with Hanna and artist Jen Smith, and named it Riot Grrrl. A movement coalesced around this core group of young girls and then exploded across the US, driven by incendiary shows, machine-gun rounds of fanzines and (often exploitative and patronising) media reports.

    The music industry has always been a particularly restrictive field for women and girls to work within, yet punk had screamed the news that anyone can do it, every voice is worth hearing. There were iconic girl musicians in punk rock, but without a feminist agenda – that revolution hadn’t gone far enough.

    “Gender power structures are entrenched in the popular music industry so it is much harder for women to become credible, authentic and legitimate cultural creators,” says Julia Downes, editor of Women Make Noise: Girl bands from Motown to the Modern. “There is a strong global legacy of women musicians and all-girl bands with women as cultural creators; but sexism, homophobia, racism and classism all interact to prevent these women from becoming accepted by the pop mainstream as innovative, new or great. Their music tends to be seen as a novelty, as derivative, too ‘political’ or just plain ‘bad’ music”.

    Riot grrrls sought to raise their own and other girls’ confidence while destroying the myth that women could not work together owing to jealousy and bitchiness. And it turned out that forming a grrrl gang was actually the best fun ever.

    I’d been publishing a zine on my own for years – the Leeds-based Ablaze! fanzine, a vehicle for me to write the UK/US music scenes as I saw them – when Washington DC’s boy revolutionaries the Nation of Ulysses visited the UK in 1992. Guitarist Tim Green told me how girls in the US were becoming organised, but I didn’t know what to do with the information. Then music journalist Sally Margaret Joy used her platform at Melody Maker to put out the cry that this is happening and you can do it too, and girls in Edinburgh, Newcastle, York, Bradford, Leeds, London and Brighton formed their own riotous grrrl assemblies.

    It was life-changing: we fulfilled ambitions that had been gnawing away at us for years. After a decade of trying to form a band and being told by boys that I couldn’t sing or play, I met girls who believed in me, and spent the next few years recording and playing shows with Coping Saw and Wack Cat. Our riot grrrl clench also spawned the off-kilter punk ofWitchknot, John Peel faves Hip Huggers, and the rather experimental Vaginal Teeth.

    And across the rest of the UK, bands sprang up. Huggy Bear were the ring leaders with their highly charged rhythm and detonation sound, but there was also Linus, Skinned Teen, Voodoo Queens, Golden Starlet, Sister George, Pussycat Trash, Kenickie, Sally Skull, Lungleg.

    In the States the scene gradually moved from isolated cool girl bassists to hosts of all-female bands. Calamity Jane, the Frumpies, Mecca Normal and Fifth Column joined the girl-centred groups that, even though they pre-dated the movement or were not aligned with it, came to stand as riot grrrl icons. UT, Fire Party, Frightwig, Babes in Toyland, Hole, Slant 6 and L7 inspired by their presence in a field where girls’ rock’n’roll activities had been so restricted in the past.

    Once the first riot grrrls had spoken, their message could not be taken back – no amount of media backlash would erase the notion that girls can get involved on our own terms, no longer accepting our roles in music or writing being denigrated and reduced to the term “groupie”.

    Adventures in Menstruating

    Bands inspired bands, and zines inspired zines. Riot grrrl meetings were still being held in the mid-90s in the UK. Grrrl zines appeared in Spanish, and garage trio Hello Cuca emerged from Murcia. In Portland, Heavens to Betsy’s gut-spewing rawness and the intensity of Excuse Seventeen gave way to Sleater-Kinney, a grrrl trio that would suffuse the next decade with the sweetest and most powerful pop tunes known to personkind.

    “Dare you to be who you are, dare you to do what you will,” Kathleen Hanna had incited in Double Dare Ya, and thousands had taken her up on the challenge, including the Spice Girls, who dared to be as apolitical as all hell while usurping the girl power banner for their own career ends. Riot Grrrls shrugged and carried on; co-option had been anticipated, and at least Victoria Beckham and co conveyed to their young audience a sense of just how much fun you can have when you get together with your girlfriends and feel good about yourselves.

    Formed in the late-90s, Gossip scaled the charts with their irrepressibly soulful rock. “They are a prime example of how riot grrrl aesthetics and politics have survived,” notes Sara Marcus, author of Girls to the Front: The True Story of the Riot Grrrl Revolution. “The unapologetic way Beth Ditto presents herself to the world – as a lesbian, as a fat girl, as a feminist – comes directly from riot grrrl.”

    And in the year 2000, in Olympia, Ladyfest emerged – a festival devoted exclusively to the music, films, writing and performances of female artists. That first event gave rise to others in more than 40 cities across three continents, and they’re still happening now; watch out for Ladyfests in Glasgow, Leeds, Paris, Rome, Brussels, Leipzig and Philadelphia this year.

    If riot grrrl arrived on the crest of a hormonal teenage wave, Ladyfest is how she is now: mature and kicking some serious ass. Expect to see a selection of the bands and artists that have arisen from the pro-feminist consciousness that riot grrrl brought about. “The festival isn’t a commercial or capitalist brand, of course, but it’s disconcertingly not unlike a franchise,” says Chella Quint, comedy writer, performer and editor of Adventures in Menstruating zine. “People get inspired to put one on, they generally have the same principles of DIY and feminism, they’re done as not-for-profit or charity fundraisers, and they promote women artists. Does everyone on the current Ladyfest scene in the UK today know the roots of it or have links to Portland or Olympia? Nope. It’s taken on a life of its own.”

    While Ladyfests cater for the grownups, what about the young grrrls? That’s where Girls Rock Camps come in. Starting in 2001, they’re now running throughout Europe and the US, giving teenage girls, inter and trans people a week during which they can explore making music in a safe space and experience a whole week free from sexism.

    Maebh Murphy of electro duo You’re Only Massive has been working with Ruby Tuesday, Berlin’s Girls Rock Camp, for the past two years. “The time after camp can be a strange one, for me personally,” she explains. “Coming back to society, getting treated in the same old shitty way, another sound engineer explaining your equipment to you … But it is so amazing to have a safe space, even if just for a short time, and to create it for others.”

    Last year Kate Nash raised a flag for feminist punk rock with the Hole-esque Under-Estimate the Girl. A powerful statement of boredom with the status quo and how female potential is played down, it was met with derision and claims that the song was “a joke”.

    Of course mainstream pop feeds on selling out and co-opting. There’s nothing revolutionary in the love songs of Katy Perry and the hedonism of Gaga, despite her good works. But to gauge the revolutionary power of riot grrrl you need only check the labour camps of Mordovia and Perm Oblast where two Pussy Riot members are still held.

    Punk band Pussy Riot

    Members of this Russian punk-feminist street band spoke to Vice magazine shortly before their arrest, giving credit to Bikini Kill and riot grrrl in general: “We somehow developed what they did in the 90s, although in an absolutely different context and with an exaggerated political stance, which leads to all of our performances being illegal,” stated Nadezhda Tolokonnikova. Pussy Riot formed when Putin announced his intention to return for another 12 years as president, and their concerns range from women’s and LGBT rights, education and health care, fearing the poverty and corruption that Russia would suffer as a result of his return to power. Their public performance-protests – and the subsequent trial and imprisonment of two members – have been well-documented, and grass roots groups globally have sported their trademark Day-Glo dresses and balaclavas in order to protest against these sentences. Our communities are now faced with the question of how we are actually going to free Pussy Riot.

    “Riot grrrl provides a tangible example of a moment when girls and young women visibly created feminist music, writing and art on their own terms,” says Julia Downes. “However, fundamentally it is about the power of young women, girls and queers who find a way to use music, politics and punk to transform their local communities now.”

    There are more grrrl bands in the UK now than ever before. The likes of Trash Kit, Skinny Girl Diet, Silver Fox, Bellies, Woolf, Esper Scout andCat Bear Tree may still lurk under the media’s radar, but they are here. Bristol squat scene duo Do It Do It Do It are only three gigs old, and they get the girls in the audience positively howling with approval at songs such as Bush, a rap of appreciation for our much-maligned body hair, and Dry for Days, about the realities of sex work.

    Jesus and His Judgemental Father have been operating out of Leeds for the past few years, where their spectacular pop punk repertoire has earned them an enraptured following. On first seeing them I cried with happiness at what riot grrrl has led to.

    The sounds and ideology of riot grrrl live on in girl bands, feminist and queer club-nights, riot grrrl record labels, Slutwalks, Ladyfests, Girls Rock Camps and Free Pussy Riot protests everywhere. In musical terms the movement may never reach the mainstream, which remains as dull and change-resistant as ever. But it’s not about being empowered to become a pop star, it’s about how you live your life. Search out the action near you and get involved; this revolution’s happening now.

    Source: The Guardian